The Purpose:
Retiring in style, investing and real estate are complicated topics. My decades of experience tells me that there is no simple solution that fits all people.
The purpose of this document is not to give you a detailed step-by-step process, but to give you sufficient knowledge to start organizing your thinking – so you ask the right questions, formulate the right direction and strategy to avoid risky ventures that do not feed a healthy lifestyle.
About: Espie Agbayani
- Immigrated to California, USA in 1982 and practiced as a full time Realtor since 1988 in the Silicon Valley and El Dorado County.
- I worked with a wide spectrum of home buyers and investors. I had over 10 years in the lending business.
- As a member of Lions Club International and Chambers of Commerce, I was active in conventions, tours and medical missions within the US and to Mexico, Europe, Israel and the Philippines.
- I witnessed 1000’s of Filipinos and Americans who retired and lived back and forth from the Philippines including family, friends, clients and neighbors enjoying a great lifestyle for less money …I call them Balik Balikan (translates into returnees)
7 Steps To Retire in Style investing in Real Estate
- Invest Leveraging on Present Asset, Time and Position Now.
- Determine your Options – How, where and what do you want to do in the next 20 years.
- Describe Your “ Retire in Style”
- Find Out Your Cost of Living?
- Travel to Check Out Your Destination Retirement Lifestyle.
- Live the Dream Now.
- Work with an Experienced International Certified Realtor and Team of Professionals.
STEP 1 Invest Leveraging on Present Asset, Time and Position Now
1.Make an inventory of how much equity you have in real estate, savings, liquid assets, etc.
Also, compare Refinance or Cash Out options, consolidate present bills to lower monthly bills.
Leverage on Reverse Mortgage,1031 Exchange, utilize Prop 60/90, Home Improvement loans like FHA203b? Contact me to learn more.
- How much in 401K, Stocks and Options do you have from all your past and present jobs?
Consolidate and use SDI(Self Directed IRA) to invest on properties. Consolidate all your 401K and become a RE Private Lender.
3.Interested in cashing out on a Retirement Package so you can easily and without stress, invest in a new passion? Find out how.
4.The earlier you begin, the more fun and less stress you will have.
Step 2. Determine Your Options – How, where and what do you want to do in the next 20 years
OPTION 1: Stay put and baby sit grand kids part of the time.
OPTION 2: Travel and be a missionary.
Discover how Medical Mission participants learn local investing in the Philippines.
OPTION 3: Start a new career and live your passion. How to own rental properties in the Philippines
OPTION 4: Find out how to be an expat and live in the Philippines almost for free
OPTION 5: Simply live your golden years in your present community? How to buy and flip homes while enjoying retirement around friends and family.
Learn about REI clubs and become an investor.
Step 3 Describe Your “Retire in Style”
Live as a missionary – Find out how others find new life building an orphanage in the Philippines.
Find out how to live as an expat and get free food and lodging.
What are the pros and cons living in several places in US and Asia. Find best places to retire.
Live and travel with close friends and family using monthly income from RE investments? 1031 exchange can help grow your portfolio, we can show you how.
Live minimally and write my story?
Step 4: Find out your cost of living
How much does it cost to keep my home and live independently?
Analyze own vs rent as a retiree. Locally or in the Philippines.
Find out the value of pesos vs. your social security dollars
How much does it cost to live outside the US like the Philippines as a couple? How to apply for visa and senior card privileges. Health insurance etc. outside United States
How to buy a condo or home and experience urban living in the Philippines partially or full time.
Step 5. Travel to Check Out Your Destination and Retirement Lifestyle
If you plan to live differently, now is the best time to check out, mingle and join groups to check & experience the nostalgia.
Join our meetup to mix and mingle with other Filipinos and Americans living full time and part time in the Philippines. Also meet guests living the great life in the big city of Makati, islands of Dumaguete and beaches of Palawan share their journeys as guest speakers.
Travel plans, medical missions and group destinations scheduled with members of meetup groups partnering with local groups like Lions Clubs and Medical Societies.
Step 6. Live the Dream Now !!!
Prepare, Research and Just Do It!
The journey begins with the first step – deciding to do it.
Step 7. Work with an Experienced International Certified Realtor and Team of Professionals
How to buy real estate wisely as a fixer, flipper or developer/investor
Partnering and meeting with local investors and distinguished international developers.
Learn what it takes to invest and retire in the Philippines with the right communities and agencies.
Learn the truth: How local Realtors partner and work with active Certified international Property specialists around the world in exploring other retirement communities.
We can discuss your needs based on your personal “Retire in Style” requirements.
Each one of us has a preference and a goal? What is yours?
CONTACT ME NOW to set up a time to talk